Stravaganza Wiki
Bianca di Chimici

Duchessa of Volana
Year of Birth
Place of Birth

Current Residence
Jacopo the Elder, father
Carolina di Chimici, mother
Lucia di Chimici, sister
Ludo Vivoide, half-brother
Carlo di Chimici, brother-in-law (deceased)
Alfonso di Chimici, husband

Bianca di Chimici is the younger daughter of Jacopo the Elder, the Prince of Fortezza. Unlike her sister Lucia, who is described as being red-haired and fair-skinned, Bianca is described as being dark, like her mother, and considered attractive like most members of her family. She is married to her third cousin once removed[1], Alfonso di Chimici, making her the Duchessa of Volana.


Bianca's initial appearance is very brief and occurs in City of Stars, where she and her sister arrive in Remora as representatives for Fortezza for the Stellata. When Duke Niccolo begins arranging marriages for his sons and nephews, he suggests Bianca as a bride to his nephew Alfonso of Volana, who accepts.

Both Bianca and Lucia are close to their cousin Beatrice di Chimici, whom they happily spend time with as they prepare for their weddings. During the Massacre at the Church of Annunciation, Bianca is the only bride fortunate enough for her groom to remain uninjured. To comfort Lucia, whose husband Carlo was killed, Bianca and Alfonso ask that she stay with them in Volana, an offer that Lucia gently refuses.[2]

In City of Swords, Bianca returns to Fortezza to comfort her dying father alongside her sister and mother. After Jacopo's death, Bianca remains in Fortezza to support her mother and Lucia, especially when Lucia's claim to the Fortezzan crown is challenged by Ludo Vivoide, who claims to be Jacopo's illegimate son and their half-brother. Bianca leaves the city only after Lucia's claim is upheld by the Signoria of Fortezza, returning with her husband to Volana. She remains in Volana when Alfonso is called upon to lead a division of soldiers from Volana to free Lucia and Fortezza from the control of the rebel army, led by Ludo, and does not appear again until Alfonso has returned to Volona after the siege. Bianca is last mentioned as attending the wedding of the Duchessa of Bellezza, along with her husband.

Notes and References[]

  1. Di Chimici family tree
  2. City of Flowers

Di Chimici
Grand Duke Fabrizio di Chimici · Grand Duchessa Caterina di Chimici · Pope Lenient VI · Lucia di Chimici, Princess of Fortezza · Alfonso di Chimici, Duke of Volana · Duchessa Bianca di Chimici · Prince Jacopo the Younger · Princess Clarice di Chimici · Prince Ferdinando di Chimici · Princess Francesca di Chimici
Other Living di Chimici
Falco Niccolo Carlo di Chimici · Gaetano di Chimici · Francesca di Chimici · Rinaldo di Chimici · Isabella di Chimici · Filippo di Chimici · Carolina di Chimici, Dowager Princess of Fortezza · Eleanora di Chimici · Beatrice di Chimici · Ferrando di Chimici · Bianca di Chimici
Deceased di Chimici
Falco di Chimici · Niccolo di Chimici · Carlo di Chimici · Caterina di Chimici · Jacopo the Elder · Fabrizio di Chimici · Duke Fabrizio di Chimici · Benedetta di Chimici · Alfonso di Chimici
Disowned di Chimici
Beatrice Nucci
di Chimici City-States
Giglia · Remora · Bellona · Volana · Moresco · Fortezza